Punctuality:It is required that ushers must arrive the church at least 15 minutes before the start of any church service and anyone resuming lesser time will be considered a late comer.We try not to add to their burdens but to alleviate them. Patience:Our Ushers are committed to exhibiting patience always, having in mind that a lot of people come with different burdens.Excellence: Our ushers are committed to efficiency and excellence, always looking for ways to improve because our God is a God of Excellence.5:21- “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God”. Submissive: We are to submit to each other and the church leadership, out of respect for each other, as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.Organized:As a department that is to maintain order in the church, every usher is expected to be organized and orderly in their individual lives.Polite and Cheerful:As a team that will be interacting with people from different backgrounds especially at the point of entrance, the ushers are expected to always maintain a polite and cheerful appearance with high sense of humility while receiving and dealing with all worshippers.John 6:63- “It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing”. We understand that the physical is controlled by the spiritual. Spiritual: We take our spiritual lives, especially prayers and studying of the word very seriously.The Ushering Department has core values which every usher should demonstrate.